Other services
brokerage services

Services provided:
Since 2012 June 17th, for goods that are brought into the Customs Union by road transport, it is mandatory to provide advance information about the imported cargo by filling in the electronic form EPI and PI or ETD, submitted to border posts.
Mandatory documents required for EPI, PI, ETD declarations:
• registracijos dokumentai
• invoice
• loading sheet (Packing list)
• specification
• TIR (sheet 1 and 2) (if the goods are transported with TIR)
• phytosanitary and/or veterinary certificate (if goods of this type are transported)
• driver's passport
• transporto priemonės
Additional information required:
• name of the border post
• phone number of the driver to whom the EPI code will be sent
Guarantee certificates are required for the transit of goods through the Customs Union countries.
When transporting cargo without a TIR carnet or in the event that the TIR carnet does not cover the amount of taxes worth of 60,000 euros, it is mandatory to have a guarantee when the goods are brought into the Customs Union.
The declaration can be collected at our office in Vievis, Vilnius or at any Belarusian customs post. The declaration is completed together with the EPI service!
Mandatory documents requiring for issuing guarantee:
• TIR (sheet 1 and 2) (if the goods are transported with TIR)
• invoice
• loading sheet (Packing list)
• specification
• phytosanitary and/or veterinary certificate (if goods of this type are transported)
• driver's passport
• vehicle registration documents
• sealing certificate (certificate of suitability)
Phytosanitary certificate
A phytosanitary certificate is an international standard document issued by institutions that ensure plant protection in the countries from which goods are exported. The issued certificate confirms that the exported goods meet all phytosanitary requirements and must be accompanied by the goods transportation documents.
Turėdami ilgametę patirtį krovinių gabenimo srityje, siūlome visas paslaugas, susijusias su Jūsų kroviniais. Ketinant gabenti augalus, augalinius produktus ar su jais susijusius produktus į trečiąsias šalis, privaloma gauti fitosanitarinį sertifikatą. Mes pasirūpinsime visų reikalingų dokumentų parengimu, pristatymu išduodančiajai institucijai, apmokėjimu ir paruošto dokumento pateikimu klientui. Taupykite laiką, patikėdami šias užduotis mums!
We provide electronic transit declarations T1 with a guarantee to the customs authorities of Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia, United Kingdom and Turkey.
CHED service (Common Health Entry Document)
The document is intended for importing plants and plant products into the European Union.